
Calabria is the region with the highest domestic migration for breast disease and with the lowest adherence to mammography screening. In the South last year increased mortality from breast cancer by 2.7% was registered. In our opinion, health coverage and screening should be it should be fully covered by the Region with mammography screening programs, not standardized, but customized for each woman based on the assessment of individual risk factors (age, family history, breast density, hormone therapy).

Scientific evidence shows that some factors such as the Mediterranean diet, good practices in agriculture, choosing natural foods, the methods of preparing and cooking food, certain lifestyles, and in particular a non-sedentary lifestyle lead to an improvement in the quality of life in terms of the reduction of metabolic chronic diseases and in terms of prevention with regards to the development of tumors.

The dissemination and use of new health treatments and new diagnostic procedures do not always accompany major benefits for patients. Economic, cultural and social considerations and interests pushing the excessive consumption of medical services outside the region, expanding beyond measure people’s expectations, more than the health care system is then able to satisfy them.
It also does not raise enough attention to lifestyle, the food, the balance of the environment, the protection of the landscape and farmland. A sober medicine involves the ability to act with listening, moderation, gradualness, essentiality and appropriate use and no waste of available resources while respecting and safeguarding the ecosystem (Slow Medicine).
The wrong nutrition, the metabolic syndrome and a sedentary lifestyle have a causal link with the incidence of breast cancer. There are three modifiable factors (physical activity, diet and body mass index) on which to set prevention strategies through regular daily physical activity, combined with an organic Mediterranean diet. Factors with due care allow an improved metabolic and hormonal buoyancy.

The “Association of the Women Who Choose” (ADS), based in Rome and Fiumefreddo Bruzio (CS) has the following objectives aimed at primary prevention and early detection of breast cancer by raising social awareness in the field of cancer prevention with the correction of lifestyles incorrect and the promotion of the Mediterranean diet.

The Association develops information activities, social awareness and training in the field of cancer prevention. It cooperates in projects that protect the environment, change the wrong lifestyle and promote the Mediterranean diet. It collaborates with other associations that pay special attention to the balance of the environment, the protection of the ecosystem and the agricultural food.
The Association aims to be an open space to the contribution of local health professionals and the voluntary sector to support the initiative in terms of operation.

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