Casa di Rosa

Inside an ancient building under restoration, is being born the Casa di Rosa, the house to take care of themselves. The woman at the center of her health, taking care of herself with awareness and sharing.

Early diagnosis and primary prevention. A sober medicine implies the ability to act with listening, moderation, gradualness, essentiality and to use appropriately and without waste the available resources while respecting and safeguarding the ecosystem (Slow Medicine).
Today not enough attention is paid to lifestyles, to the origin of food, to the balance of the environment, to the protection of the landscape and farmland.

The fight against breast cancer requires the commitment and sharing of all forces in the field (doctors, administrators, associations and health officials at all levels): everyone must contribute but the absolute protagonists will be the women, with their determined participation, conscious and responsible prevention will be a right and not a privilege for a few.
Voluntary associations and patients’ associations often identify denied rights and needs before the institutions, promoting initiatives and interventions aimed at solving problems. The wealth of human, professional and organizational skills expressed by voluntary and private social organizations is an asset to be drawn from. Lalla Mellini, the founder of the Association “Le donne scelgono” (Women choose) taught us to “work together” in order not to disperse experiences gained over the years of social and civil commitment, from which other women can draw utility and benefits because the protection of women’s rights is a priority.

The Association Le Donne Scelgono (ADS) based in Rome and Fiumefreddo Bruzio (CS) pursues the following objectives, aimed at the prevention of breast cancer:

– Information and awareness to adopt a healthier lifestyle and for the promotion of the organic Mediterranean diet as a tool for cancer prevention.

– The Association carries out social and health activities in the field of prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer; it develops information activities, social awareness and training in the field of primary prevention; it cooperates in the implementation of projects that protect the environment, change wrong lifestyles and promote the food community; it cooperates with other associations that pay particular attention to the balance of the environment and the preservation of biodiversity and the ecosystem.

In Rosa’s House in addition to early diagnosis you can make an experiential journey for a vacation to take care of yourself.
“When we go to the hospital for treatment, we don’t talk to each other, at least I don’t, I don’t talk to other patients, we are there to treat ourselves, the sweetness side is something else.”
It is precisely the sweetness, solidarity’ and conviviality that we want to recreate in this historic building in the village of Fiumefreddo.

A corner to chat, a lounge, a library and several workshops to spend nice hours together and share experiences, including courses on food, cooking classes “human”, therapeutic writing, meditation, yoga, walks in the village and in the area in search of wild herbs, nature and sea.
So, an experiential journey for a better quality of life that can translate precisely into more “life time”, to which give a new meaning.

Food has a preventive and therapeutic value. The common thread that animates us in the food is the search for the healthy genuine; a kitchen where people like the farmer with whom our cooks establish a relationship of trust, are essential parts of that kitchen “human”, made of the work of artisans of food and wine that make the raw material their art in the dish.
With them there is a direct contact, you speak the same language, you get in tune and let them inspire you. Humble people who know the hard work of the land. You want to help women to find themselves and regain confidence in themselves, through a healthy eating style, walks, meditation and wellness sessions, all for self-care.

More and more women in the world are recovering after a diagnosis of breast cancer, but the healing is unfortunately not always associated with a real improvement in quality of life. The woman does not always perceive to be healed and around her, with a problem that can be defined as social, even family members do not perceive this healing.
Gymnastics, meditation, writing and healthy food can help to raise awareness on the lifestyle that is self-care and fight against the disease. It is proven that the risk of recurrence and metastasis is significantly lower for those who lead a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Anger: this is one of the most common reactions to the disease, treatments or side effects. Some people react by mobilizing resources that help them live in a way that is more in line with their needs and desires; others, however, suffer the consequences of a sense of isolation that results from a significant disturbance of their psychophysical balance. It may be useful to participate in therapeutic writing groups to share one’s experience with people ‘who have already been through it’.
Loneliness: after treatments, the frequency of relationship with doctors and nurses decreases, relationships with relatives and friends are thinned out, resumption of work may be delayed and this leads to a sense of loneliness. This results in a closing in on oneself and an interruption in the flow of communication with others. Confiding in those closest to you helps bring you closer to others.
Fear and anxiety: it is natural to fear that the disease may recur and to interpret some physical symptoms as a ‘sign’ that this is happening. Sometimes these thoughts can result in actual bouts of anxiety, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances and irritability. For many, the situation improves over time as they regain control of their lives and take their minds off thoughts of illness and treatment. Getting clear and reliable information about your health and illness, as well as adhering to screening programs and follow-up plans, help reduce these unpleasant and limiting moods.
Sadness and depression: After treatment ends, you may feel drained of energy, both physically and psychologically. The difficulties encountered in resuming daily activities and the feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability caused by the disease may manifest itself in negative mood, lack of interest in activities that normally provide pleasure, feeling of helplessness, insomnia, loss of appetite, reduced ability to concentrate.

It is good for people recovered from cancer to engage in regular physical activity. In fact, according to recent studies, adults with a history of breast or colon cancer who stay physically active are at lower risk for recurrence. Physical activity also helps alleviate some of the side effects of treatments. Maintaining and increasing muscle mass is advisable for anyone who has had cancer. For this reason, it is good to avoid any form of sedentariness and regularly resume their daily occupations in moderation, but without limitations. As a general suggestion (which will be adapted to individual situations) it is recommended to practice at least 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity at moderate intensity (such as brisk walking, cycling or swimming) or 75 minutes per week of intense activity (such as running or walking uphill).

Excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of certain cancers (particularly cancers of the liver, pharynx, larynx, and oral cavity) and is also a high source of calories that is a frequent cause of failure to maintain proper weight.